As a business owner or a budding entrepreneur, it is natural to multi-task. Several people claim that it is the only way to go forward. However, according to Publius Syrus, if you do two things simultaneously, it is equivalent to doing neither.
Running on tight deadlines and limited money, you cannot afford one task after the other. Outsourcing one part of the project to an experienced web application development company can ease your way into ensuring timely completion.
According to Statista, the app outsourcing market is estimated to reach $145.7 billion by 2027 (Statista). With the increasing affinity towards outsourcing, and the exponential growth in offshore app development companies, outsourcing web development is a good idea. Let’s understand the reasons behind outsourcing web development.
Why Outsource Web Development?
We briefly touched upon the reasons to outsource web development. Let’s take you through some benefits to help you make the right decision.
1. It is a Financially Attractive Opportunity
Let’s take the case before outsourcing. Suppose you are to develop a mobile and a web app in-house. You have a small setup of strategists, designers, and developers who can work on this. If you don’t have the web app expertise, you might have to hire people, install the infrastructure, and set up the project.
This will cost you a lot and take time (hiring doesn’t happen overnight). Next, you may see a bit of productivity loss that can lead to increased costs and reduced profits.
On the other hand, when you outsource app development, you will spend on the services alone. The offshore development company will have the infrastructure, software expertise, and necessary tools. You will spend half of what you would when developing in-house. That’s why we say it is financially appealing for businesses.
2. Improves Focus on Core Business
Suppose you are to work on both projects in-house, and you notice that it takes your mind away from your core business affairs. Say you are a product company. And, if all your strength and time are taken up in creating the product, you will notice that you haven’t spent time developing the partnerships.
It would help if you had takers for the product, which is impossible as you don’t have the time to market and talk about it. By outsourcing the project (fully or partially), you can spend time with your target audience, get to know them, and prepare the market for the launch.
This will give you more time to connect with the right people and prepare your product for sale.
3. Accelerate Time-to-Launch
When you outsource a project, you reduce the time spent developing and deploying the web application. As we mentioned earlier, if web app development is not your expertise, you may notice a slow movement in this project. You will delay the project’s launch if you spend time hiring the team. Though your mobile app is ready for launch, you need to wait till your web app is ready. This allows your competition space to move ahead or lead to monetary losses for your company.
The web app team will collaborate with your mobile app team when you outsource. As a result, both the app projects will be deployed simultaneously.
4. Access the Experts in Development
As a small business or a startup, it is not guaranteed to 0have the financial strength or the ability to hire experts in the web development field. Offering them the salaries and ensuring they don’t add to the overhead can imply risks for your business.
However, avoid this decision by outsourcing. In this case, you will be able to get the requisite expertise for web development. For example, the offshore app development company may be proficient with Python, and you want to add that to your development stack. In this case, you don’t need to hire a Python expert.
The web app development company will be responsible for the technology and salaries of the experts. You need to pay for the services they offer you. As a result, it is more accessible with reduced risk.
5. Enhanced Quality of End Product
When you outsource your app development project, you are improving the quality of the product you will receive. Let’s understand why?
Say you are an expert in web app development. That’s why you can release products with fewer to no bugs and can safely strategize to mitigate risks.
When you outsource, you get this same thing. At the same time, the offshore web development company focuses entirely on developing that one project. As a result, they would be able to add the potion of quality.
You will offer a better result when you have all hands on a single project or task.
5. Enhanced Technology Stack for Projects
When you outsource, you can access the diverse technology stack required to make your project a reality. The web development company would have experts in both frontend and backend development. Resulting in having people proficient with database design and management. Even, get a chance to access the latest web development technologies by outsourcing.
Outsourcing saves a business time and effort by delivering high-quality and scalable solutions within the stipulated time. However, when you plan to outsource, ensure you have selected the right partner for the task. Research, gain recommendations, and compare before you make the decision. Define the scope of work, determine the budget and analyze the possible risks before you start looking for a partner.