Anti-fatigue floor mats are put down in many commercial and industrial settings to make sure that both workers and customers are comfortable. Anti-fatigue floor mats are made so that when people stand on them for too long, they take the stress and strain off of their muscles and joints. In other words, these mats help people who are tired at work feel better, which is why they are called “anti-fatigue floor mats.” Most of the time, these mats are made from two different kinds of materials. Most anti-fatigue floor mats have a rough backing made of nitrile rubber or vinyl and a sponge or foam in the middle. The tough rubber or vinyl backings usually have a rough surface that helps with grip and makes it easier to scrape off grime, dirt, and other debris. The sponge or foam gives the person standing on it a sense of buoyancy, which relieves strain and stress on the body. Anti-fatigue industrial mats are put in places where people have to stand for long periods of time, like assembly lines, ATM lobbies, reception desks, and many other production sites. In addition to being more comfortable, Hog Heaven anti-fatigue mats make floors safer because they don’t slip. They also keep the floors clean and in good shape, and they make the workplace look better. Because of how they are made and how they are made, anti-fatigue floor mats need to be cleaned in a certain way. Use the following tips to clean your anti-fatigue floor mats so that you don’t damage the materials and make them less useful and last less long.
Always Vacuum, Sweep, And Dry-Mop
Your anti-fatigue floor mats should be cleaned regularly with a vacuum, a broom, and a dry mop. Your cleaning staff can do this simple routine cleaning task several times a day, depending on how many people walk through the building. Cleaning the surface of your anti-fatigue floor mats by vacuuming and dry-mopping helps get rid of dust and other soft dirt and debris. You should do this cleaning process very often, depending on how many people walk on the mat, the weather, and where the mat is.
Use A Wet Broom To Clean Well
You should also set up deep cleaning sessions every few days or weeks, depending on the things we’ve already talked about. Wet-mopping the anti-fatigue mat with a mild detergent or soap, like baking soda, ivory soap, or mild dish soap, is a good way to clean it well. The pH level of the cleaner for wet mopping should be between 4 and 9.
Dry The Mat All The Way
After cleaning the anti-fatigue floor mat with a wet mop, you should let it dry completely before putting it back where it belongs. Always lay the mat flat to dry it, and never fold it to move it. Instead, roll it up tightly.
Clean Up The Area Around You
Before putting the anti-fatigue mat back where it belongs, clean the area under and around it as well as you can. Make sure that the floor under and around the anti-fatigue floor mat is clean and free of dust, grime, dirt, and other debris.
Avoid Cleaning Mistakes
You should never use a rough brush or tool to scrub your anti-fatigue floor mats. You should never clean your anti-fatigue floor mats with chemicals that are too acidic, degreasers, or steam. You should never wash your anti-fatigue floor mats in a machine.