Many organizations have realized the advantages of being data-driven over the past year. Its benefits include business value, such as better performance, competitive edge, productivity improvement, and also better retention of employees, and satisfaction with customers. In the end, numerous organizations have emphasized the importance of data-driven capabilities to improve their organization’s processes, behaviors, and attitudes to make them data-driven rather than lagging in data.
This heightened focus, and despite a job market with unemployment rates being high, the Tableau Certification program also reached an all-time high of 85% of those who received the Tableau Certification title got Tableau Certified for the first time. The record-breaking growth of certification first-timers suggests that more people recognized the need and potential to verify their skills in data and aid in their organizations’ pursuit of becoming data-driven.
As we’ve spent our time, actually years, helping practitioners with developing their skills and distinguishing their skills, we’ve witnessed the advantages Tableau Certification can provide for analytics experts. Below are five ways it will create lasting and immediate benefits for you.
Develop the skills in data that are highly sought-after
According to Forbes, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the growth rate is expected to be a 28% increase in employment opportunities within the field of data science until 2026. This is 11.5 million jobs to fill. Employers are seeking Data-related skills, and they’re looking for these. The status of being Tableau Certified helps you rise to the top of the resume or establish value in your position. According to a U.S. News report about Tableau Certification, “The benefit of obtaining certification is numerous,” said Ryan Sleeper, the founder, and chief executive officer of consulting firm visual-analytics Playfair Data and author of Practical Tableau. “It’s stable. It has enduring power. It’s a worthwhile cost to invest in it now since you’ll have many years to use these skills.”
Build confidence and help your business become informed by data
You’re talented, innovative, and skilled, But it’s a highly volatile job market, with record-breaking unemployed levels, economic recession, and recent surges in job growth. Companies recognize that being data-driven and requiring data-driven decisions increases their resilience and effectiveness in the current climate. So how do your company stand out from the crowd and demonstrate that you are determined to help your business be more data-driven? Certifications can help you make a statement and assure employers that you’re competent to pay for the expenses. A specific job certification signifies support for the company’s objectives with data-related skills outlined in a single document. It also confirms that you have met (or more than) the excellence standard established or described in a development plan.
Learn the most essential, fundamental ability: data literacy
Remember when job postings included things such as Needing to be familiar with using Microsoft Office or Needing to be proficient in Adobe Suite? As more businesses adopt data-driven practices, the need for data literacy skills that go beyond the wall grows. This means that there is a greater need and the need to provide support and resources to reduce the literacy gap. Tableau conducted research with Forrester Consulting interviewing thousands of U.S. hiring managers and recruiters to understand this gap better. The study was released in June 2021. this research, The Great Data Literacy gap Demand for Data Skills Outpaces Supply, said: “Data scientists aren’t the only ones with the skills of a data scientist. The ability to use data is becoming essential in every job and department. Everybody from marketing and HR through sales to service requires a solid foundation in data literacy to thrive in the current workforce.
Discover a new passion or ability
Examining for an exam could expose someone to abilities or skills they’ve not used before, haven’t heard of, or were unable to utilize. The information covered in an exam for the certification exam will help you master the skills required to make the most of Tableau and the role you play. As an added benefit, it allows you to expand your mind, wings, and skills beyond your regular analytics. You may be amazed by a new interest or specialization that you discover as you prepare to take an exam.
Earn more money
According to Global Knowledge’s IT Skills and Salary Report, learning new skills or gaining certification can lead to an increase of up to $12,000 per year. Suppose you’re looking for promotions or a new job. In that case, employers are more likely to invest in interested employees who can upgrade their capabilities, keeping ahead of the curve with emerging technology. Two thousand twenty-one data of Pearson Vue that looks at the significance of IT certification in both the candidates and employers. It also found that certification demands are growing. Twenty-eight percent of applicants report being paid more by having more credentials. If you are planning your career as Tableau Developer, then the Tableau Interview Questions will help you to crack the interview.
How do I become Tableau Certified?
There’s no better time to take a test and improve your certification. Five reasons we’ve listed barely scratch the top of the benefits Tableau Certification can offer people and their companies. Don’t just trust us to tell you the truth. Listen to the words of one of our customers who has personally gained Tableau Certification and helped both clients and colleagues in improving their data-driven skills and becoming knowledgeable about data: