Telegram(安装Telegram) is an instant messaging application that has a lot of great features. But one of the things I like about it is that I can post to public groups without identifying myself as an admin. This means that if someone has a problem with my group, they can’t report me to Telegram admins because they don’t know who owns the group! However, there’s a problem: sometimes I want to publish information as admin without people knowing it’s us. For example, maybe we have new rules or regulations we need everyone in our group to follow (you can only send images under 100kb), but they won’t listen unless they think it’s coming from another user instead of an admin who may be trying to trick them (or worse!). That’s why we need this option for anonymous posting in public groups!
Anonymous delivery of telegram account
As the owner of a group, sometimes I want to publish some information. I can post as a member in a group or as an admin in a group but there is no way for me to publish anonymously.
It would be nice if there was an option where one could post anonymously from their telegram(电报app) account. To do this, we need to be able to identify the person who posted it and tag them appropriately so that when someone replies they know who they’re replying to without directly messaging them. This would also allow them (the person taking action on behalf of someone else) to edit their previous message if necessary because sometimes you may realize after sending something out that you made a mistake or forgot something important which needs correction before posting publicly again. You wouldn’t want this mistake appearing under your name forever even though it wasn’t yours!
If I just post it, people will recognize me as the owner
The post will look like it is from the group owner.
The post will be marked as “group owner”.
Some people have problems with this
You may be surprised to know that some people have problems with the fact that anonymous posting is enabled in public groups. These people think it isn’t fair to the other members of a group for someone to post anonymously, or for someone who does so regularly and makes a habit out of it. Many also believe that it isn’t fair to the owner of a group, who has created an atmosphere where everyone can speak freely and honestly, but will now have trouble distinguishing between regular contributors and anonymous trolls.
I feel differently about this issue: I do not agree with those who feel like anonymous posting should be prohibited in public groups. I believe there are two main reasons why an owner might want to allow anonymity in their group: 1) A sense of freedom; 2) Freedom from consequences
There is an option in public groups (such as anonymous mode)
To make this feature available, Telegram should go through some changes in their app. They can add a new feature called “Anonymity Mode” which would be used by all users in public groups and admins of public groups will also be able to use these features.
This mode will allow you to post any information or share your thoughts with your friends but without letting them know who published it. You can still see the name of the person who posted the message but other people cannot see your name/profile picture while posting anonymous messages.
This feature has lots of advantages as well:
-You can publish anything without letting anyone know that it’s you who have published it!
-This feature is very important for sensitive information like confidential data etc., so no one knows about it except us!
Publish information anonymously in public groups without being checked
On the other hand, Telegram has a feature that allows users to post anonymously in public groups. It is important to note that this feature should be used responsibly because it can be misused by anyone who wants to spread false information or malicious messages without being detected.
This feature will allow users to post anonymously in public groups and simply send their messages without having the impression that they are being watched by the admins. With this feature, users would be able to anonymously post in public groups and simply send their messages without having the impression that they are being watched by the admins
So, in my opinion, Telegram is the best app for this kind of activity. I hope that the developers will soon implement this feature in their app.