HHC is one of the newest cannabinoids in the cannabis world. Being a discovery, most cannabis enthusiasts and beginners are interested in knowing what it feels like, its benefits, and some effects. Before thinking of what HHC is, you should try it yourself and feel the amazing experience of the new compound. Since the compound is created from hemp, HHC is legal in most states, so you can comfortably buy and try it out.
This article will look in-depth at what HHC feels like and how it compares to other cannabinoid compounds.
Hexahydrocannabinol (HHC) is produced through hydrogenating delta 9 THC. This involves adding some significant amount of hydrogen molecules to the THC, which converts to a new molecule. The hydrogenating process has been used in making other compounds, for example, vegetable oil conversion into margarine. Therefore, adopting the same process in cannabis results in a production of a great and effective cannabinoid. In addition, HHC can also be extracted from a compound in hemp rather than using the hydrogenation of delta 9 THC. Both processes give the same product, which is exciting and compelling. HHC is rising in popularity among cannabis enthusiasts.
There are several ways of using HHC, such as through tinctures, cookies, or gummies. These products have several advantages over the other methods. However, the onset time differs in each method. If you want to experience an immediate effect of HHC, you should use gummies. They are also of high quality when it comes to edibles. You can also vape these notable cannabinoids. For a better experience and effect of HHC, you should buy Astro eight HHC products.
How Does HHC Feel Like?
Most cannabis lovers have been asking about the psychoactiveness of the HHC compound and if it can get them high. Though not like THC, HHC can get you high. It produces a high that is similar to THC but not intense. Some people consider it equal to or stronger than delta 8. Some users have described the HHC high as euphoric. It gives an incredibly relaxing feeling.
Further, most users have reported a boosted mood when using the HHC. Compared to THC products, HHC stimulates an improvement in activity in your body and hence changing your moods. It also leads to cognition and headspace though it doesn’t rule your brain.
HHC high may take time to onset compared to other hemp. Probably you might have to wait for an hour or less before you start experiencing its effects. However, people have different experiences so you might have other onset times. If you are a beginner, start low and slow and keep increasing your dose until you reach the high you want. Though it is not as potent as other THC, It is possible to overdose on HHC if you don’t regulate it.
Some of the impacts you will likely experience include euphoria and mental stimulation. Other effects include; feeling relaxed, relief from anxiety, decreased inflammation, improved sleep, cerebral and body intoxication, improved joy, and comfort of mild pain. Some users may also experience boosted energy. These effects may vary from one person to the other.
How HHC Compare With THC
HHC is stronger than delta 8. This can typically be explained by the fact that you will need a lower dose of HHC than delta 8 to have a good experience. The onset of delta 8 may vary unpredictably, while that of HHC may remain constant, ranging between 45 to 75 minutes depending on the user. However, once the effects kick in, the experience may vary, especially in intensity and variety. A good explanation of this difference is that HHC compares with Sativa, while delta 8 is indica high.
When you take too much delta 8, you will likely experience drowsiness. On the other hand, HHC will give you stimulation which can help improve efficiency and increase your calmness. You will also not likely feel groggy whenever you consume HHC.
Delta 8 THC users consume the products to improve their sleep, induce relaxation, and help pain relief. HHC may provide similar results while at the same time assisting in pain relief. HHC gives identical psychoactive effects to THC. It helps induce a euphoric feeling, alters the auditory perception and visuals, boosts your appetite, and temporarily increases your heart rate. HHC is described as more relaxing than stimulating. The molecular structure of HHC is different from that of THC. The molecular structure indicates that HHC offers more health and therapeutic benefits.
Wrapping Up
Since HHC cannabinoid is still new in the market, more scientific research is underway to help prove its health benefits and some of the side effects. However, some effects of HHC are similar to those of the THC compound. Consumers report feeling relaxed, happy, and calm after using this compound. Nevertheless, it should be used in moderation. If you find cannabis strong, you can consider HHC since it’s less potent and milder than delta 9-THC.
The legality of HHC is based on its low 0.3% THC level and is also extracted from industrial hemp. However, if you decide to supply or consume HHC, you should check on your state’s laws to ensure that it is legal.