Events are an important part of hospitality and tourism but they also come with a lot
of responsibilities. It is the job of the event manager to ensure that everyone has a
good time and the event is altogether a successful one. Additionally, they ensure the
well-being of attendees, staff, and property as well.
A safe and secure environment is necessary for an event as it prevents any
mishaps, accidents or injuries. It also gives a positive experience to the attendees
and promotes trust among them.
Managing an event requires skills and training which can be obtained with a
good Tourism and Hospitality Event Management program. As an event manager,
you would want your event to be remembered for all the positive reasons. Even the
smallest mishap can be detrimental and create a bad PR. Though, this scenario can
be avoided and here is how you can guarantee the safety and security of everyone.
Understand all the security risks
Your first step at ensuring safety is to assess all the security risks as every event has
its own security needs and risks. For example, a high-profile celebrity event can
pose a higher risk than a private birthday party. With each event, you have to identify
the type of risk and then create a safety plan.
Assessing security is crucial for event managers as it helps in identifying potential
security risks and taking appropriate measures to mitigate any such threats. It also
provides reassurance to all the attendees that their safety is ensured and remains a
Ensure that security measures stay visible
The main purpose of security measures at an event is to prevent any threats from
happening. Mitigating threats before they can happen ensures that the event runs
smoothly and people have an overall positive experience.
That’s why you must put your security team and security measures in full view. This
will discourage agitators or any malefic element from creating a ruckus. Additionally,
with all the security measures in place, the attendees will also feel safe as they know
that there are people and tools to protect them.
Put security checkpoints in place
Security checkpoints are essential to guarantee the safety and security of people at
tourism and hospitality events. This ensures that all potential security threats are
detected and prevented.
Attendees and their belongings are screened at these security checkpoints to
prevent anyone from bringing items such as weapons or explosives into the event.
The presence of security checkpoints also acts as a deterrent to individuals with
malicious intentions, making it less likely for security incidents to occur.
Have an emergency plan in place
While you are taking all the necessary steps to prevent security attacks at an event,
it is important to have an emergency plan in place. You must always be prepared for
a disaster and this ensures that during any such happening, people can safely exit
and any harm to people or property can be mitigated or contained. Safety and
security are pivotal to any tourism and hospitality event and the key to good security
is being prepared and vigilant.