If you usually use social networks, you will have already noticed the boom that video marketing is experiencing. Facebook and Instagram have given more prominence to this type of content with their stories and live formats. And YouTube is experiencing a golden age.
We tend to consume content while performing other tasks such as driving to work, traveling on public transport, and even while cooking or taking a shower.
And we love stories with good copy and videos in general. Because they are very easy to consume at any time and place.
Potential Benefits of Video Marketing
Producing high-quality content, long-form videos can require more time and equipment investment. However, the videos that work best are those under 5 minutes.
“Including video and following a multi-format marketing strategy is the key to giving your brand a current and transparent image.”
This type of content will bring you benefits in different areas of your strategy:
Attract more web traffic:
Either from a YouTube channel or from Instagram stories themselves, call users to click the link in your bio or swipe up. Suppose you have more than 10,000 followers or advertise on Facebook Ads. Including engaging videos in other channels will allow you to drive qualified traffic to your website.
Improve positioning:
You will need to use new platforms, such as YouTube, which will increase your search results on Google. In addition, the increase in traffic will affect your SEO.
Improve reputation and brand recall:
It is quite common for a user to remember something they have seen or heard better than something they have read. By offering content in all formats, you will reinforce brand recall.
How to use video and follow a multi-format strategy
For some time now, the trend has been to follow an omnichannel and multi-format content strategy. That is to say. It adapts to all those channels in which the target audience is. And, in addition, offers information in different formats.
We have seen how brands and professionals have opted for webinars, info products, or infographics (among others). While the video has become the domain of specialized agencies and YouTubers.
Now, with stories, live streaming, and even the ability to hire video scriptwriting, we’ve run out of excuses for not including video in our content marketing strategy.
Video animations
Video content does not have to be limited to recording a person explaining a topic. Keep in mind that there are many other options, such as animated infographics, videos made with text and illustrations, etc.
If, until now, you have made different graphics to provide visual support to your content, now you can do the same with video animations or video infographics.
Both for new posts on your blog and for those that already have some kind of extra graphic content, this will give a much more modern and current image of your brand.
Recycling content and blog posts
A great way to start applying video marketing is through the recycling of content that you have already offered.
Don’t just limit yourself to updating the evergreen content to always provide up-to-date information. Think that these extensions can multiply your content by giving it another format.
When you are ready to update the contents of your blog, it may be a good time to include explanatory videos and give them another chance to succeed. And remember to insert them in your posts and upload them to your YouTube channel to give them double visibility.
Information segmentation
Another strategy that works very well is the segmentation of information into small video capsules. That is, divide extensive and deeper content that you have developed into text and record small videos giving more specific explanations.
This will help you make the content more viral and be able to share it in different phases with each video. The user who is really interested will go to the full text. And the rest will continue to consume your videos to have basic information, thus reaching a larger audience.
Bonus content
Considering doing guerrilla video marketing is already a big step in your content strategy. In addition, it is also a great opportunity to think about what new things you can offer your users.
In this sense, you can use the different video formats to give an extra to your content. For example, with video interviews, you have the opportunity to invite an expert who offers a new point of view on your content.
It is the most obvious option, but no less interesting for that. There are many bloggers who combine blog posts with video blogs (vlogs).
In my opinion, the key is to find a balance and maintain both channels of communication. For example, if your frequency is to share content once a week, you can make room for a vlog once a month.
Video marketing is one of the favorite content of users today, and brands know it. For this reason, more and more people are betting on this format within their strategies.
If you want to win the competition, it’s time to consider how to include videos in your marketing plan. The options are many, and choosing one or the other will depend on your target audience; what they like, what they need, and what you can offer.
Do you already use video in your content marketing strategy to boost your business? What is your favorite format?