Social media may not be the be-all and end-all of various digital marketing tactics, but it can surely help grow your business by leveraging its power and market reach. Besides, more and more people tend to spend more time on their phones.
More so, social media, notably Instagram, helped pave the way for many brands and businesses to get big and rise to the enterprise ladder. Most of them utilized Instagram’s massive growth and numbers, and now that the platform is raking in millions of engagements and statistics, these brands are reaping the rewards.
A Quick Overview Of Instagram
Back in 2018, Instagram reached its threshold of one billion active users, and in just three years, it surpassed and even doubled that quantity to two billion monthly active users. Quite impressive, right? Furthermore, these recent stats prove to many why Instagram was the most downloaded app in the fourth quarter of 2021, their best performance yet.
Leveraging Instagram As A Digital Marketing Tool
Instagram is not slowing down. It continues to give the best experience to its users by introducing new tools, especially for businesses. Their latest updates enable businesses to keep up with trends and smash their engagements.
For instance, this new feature called enhanced tags enables an account to tag all contributors and collaborators in a post. You can then collect all these tagged posts, stories, and videos for posterity and future use as a business. These videos and images can also be used for marketing campaigns and email content. However, to do this, most simply screenshot a post. While this can work, using an Instagram video downloader can be better.
Perhaps, your business has been using Instagram to boost your digital marketing efforts for a while now. In such a case, here’s how to know if your Instagram marketing strategy is working:
- If There’s A Significant Increase In Sales
The main objective of digital marketing is to increase the interest in your brand that can make people want to try you out. And so, your Instagram marketing strategy is more or less working if you see a significant increase in your sales and profits.
Perhaps, you feel that you’ve been busy picking and fulfilling orders from your e-commerce platform. In such instances, your current Instagram marketing strategy is definitely working.
- Promising Insights And Analytics
This is the simplest and most accurate way to know if your content is gaining traction. Every post and story on Instagram has a post insight that reports the performance of each post.
On the lower-left corner of your post, you’ll see ‘view insights.’ The post insights will show how many accounts were reached by the post and the interactions. More importantly, the insight will show you the percentage of non-followers who interacted, which is an opportunity for you to grow your audience.
The interactions are the behavior of your audience that covers those who liked, saved, commented, and shared your post. And if a particular post has a considerable interaction, you may choose this post to be your next ad.
- If You Gained New Followers

Social media users and potential clients are more inclined to follow a brand they feel connected to. And if your posts elicit this kind of reaction from your audience, you might just be doing something right.
More so, the number of followers may be a vanity metric for many digital marketers, but you cannot deny the magnetism it evokes from internet users. A massive number of followers can help spark curiosity from people, inviting them to click on your brand and check your content and your business’s offerings.
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- Massive Influx Of Messages
Receiving a lot of direct messages can also be a good indicator that your Instagram marketing strategy is a success. This means that more and more potential clients are reaching out to inquire about your business.
Perhaps, when you were still building your business, you’ve received a couple of messages now and then. But now, with an effective Instagram marketing strategy, you might just have to dedicate an entire day to responding to messages and reacting to engagements in your posts.
And if this continues, you may need to hire a dedicated staff to handle this task. That way, you can ensure that your audience and potential clients are accommodated accordingly.
- If Your Email List Expands
Much like the influx of messages, a surge in your email list is another way to prove that your Instagram marketing strategy is effective.
Don’t be surprised if you need to upgrade your email marketing subscription one day because you have already maximized the number of subscribers you can send emails to. And soon, perhaps, you may need to hire an email marketer to supply regular content for your email list.
- You Don’t Need To Reach Out To Influencers
When you have an effective Instagram marketing strategy, you’ll notice that you won’t find the need to scour communities to search for micro and nano-influencers because they’ll be the ones approaching you and reaching out for a possible collaboration.
Your engagements algorithm can help put you at the top of the search page, and your hashtags will also rise to the top, making you quite visible to your niche.
Cracking the Instagram code may look easy if you have the right tools and knowledge. Ultimately, you need to be flexible and adaptable to quickly shift gears if one campaign seems to be not working to your advantage.
What’s excellent about digital marketing is the results are readily available, and you don’t need to wait months to know what works and what doesn’t.