The demand for foods and beverages with a low glycemic index is growing today. Many factors contribute to this growing demand for foods with low glycemic value. For instance, the accelerated growth in Asia, as well as in the Western world, has contributed to this demand.
In addition, technological advancements have also played a huge role in this increased demand. These factors and advancements drive the demand for soybean production technology because of its high yield potential and flexibility.
Soybeans are known as one of the most versatile crops in the world. They can be grown almost anywhere, from tropical climates to arid regions and from small gardens to large-scale farming operations. This is because they are tolerant of a wide range of soil types, do not require much maintenance after planting, and produce high yields yearly under normal growing conditions.
In this blog post, you will learn about soybean production technology and what you need to know before investing in it.
What is Soybean Production Technology?
Soybean production technology is the process of growing soybeans. It mainly involves soybean varieties, soybean cultivation, soybean harvesting, soybean processing, and soybean storage. The cultivation process involves planting soybean seeds, growing the soybeans, harvesting the soybeans, and extracting soybean oil.
The harvesting process involves removing the soybean pods and getting soybean meal from the soybeans. The processing process consists in removing the soybean oil and storing the soybean meal until it is ready to use. The storage process involves keeping soybeans until they are needed for food or feed.
U.S. Soy farmers are over 500,000, and soybeans are the leading agricultural export product and account for around 18% of the country’s agricultural exports.
Benefits of Soybean Production Technology
Soybean production technology offers a high yield potential – a soybean crop can yield more than 10 tons/hectare of soybeans. This means that the same amount of land can produce more soybeans. Soybean production technology is also very sustainable. It requires minimal chemical inputs and no pesticides or other harmful chemicals to be used. This makes it a very eco-friendly option for your business.
Soybean production technology is also low in risk. It does not pose any threat to human health or the environment. This makes it an ideal choice for small-scale farmers who want to diversify their crops but do not have the capital or resources to invest in high-risk ventures.
Smart irrigation and other digital technologies enhance your soil’s nutrient quality and efficiency, boost agricultural yield, and conserve water.
They also enable farmers to manage pesticides more accurately for a healthier environment. These technologies help provide a more stable and sustainable food supply, which will be crucial for feeding our projected nine-billion-plus population by 2050.
When technology is used to treat the soil like it’s supposed to, farmers can establish a genuine sustainability system, especially when they combine it with genetic engineering to produce crops and seeds more resistant to natural disruptors. This strategy promotes long-term environmental sustainability and the farmers’ economic sustainability.
Drones are some of the major technological game-changers in technology and have brought about a massive transformation in the agricultural industry. Employing drones allows soybean farmers to view their fields from above, saving them time as they no longer need to walk the field physically.
Soybean production technology also includes deploying crop monitoring systems, which provide real-time information about the whole farm. When you install a crop monitoring platform on your soybean farm, you’ll have access to a wealth of data on your crops, including their acreage, location, meteorological data, crop growth stage, precipitation, and satellite picture.
Vegetation indices, which provide important insight into the health of the data, are also part of the essential information to review. For instance, the Normalized Difference Vegetative Index (NDVI) denotes that a plant reflects and absorbs radiation at varying frequencies and the vegetation level on the field. This allows the farmer to pinpoint problems at different crop growth stages or where weeds are too close to your soybeans.
Soybean production technology, such as satellite imagery, also helps farmers make smarter choices. Introducing satellite technology to farmlands can offer small-scale farmers useful data for precision agriculture, greenhouse gas (GHG) tracking and measurement, and mitigation.
Challenges of Soybean Production Technology
Soybean production technology is a very labor-intensive venture. It requires a lot of manual work and thus is not suitable for every type of business. Soybean production also has a low yield variability. This means that the yields depend highly on climatic conditions, soil type, and other factors. In addition, soybean production technology is highly dependent on the availability of good-quality seeds. The yields tend to be low if the seeds are old or have low germination rates.
Soybean production is a highly sustainable and low-risk venture that can provide high yields with low investment. If you are looking for an ideal crop for small-scale farming, soybean production technology is a great option.
Soybean production technology is also good if you want a highly sustainable option for your business. It has a low risk and high yield potential, making it a perfect fit for anyone looking to diversify their crops or grow food for the local community.
You can grow soybeans in any climatic condition and soil type, making it an ideal crop for small-scale farmers. The only thing you need to do is invest in soybean production technology and reap the benefits.