More people than ever before are working from the comfort of their homes. Whether this became a new trend after our stay-at-home order or we were all just sick of the cubicle, remote work is not going anywhere.
As a business owner, choosing to hire remote workers allows your business to hire employees from all walks of life. Thus, opening a diverse global talent base. Companies opening up their hiring process to all nationalities have made their way to congress. Diversity’s focus on remote work goes as far as to say that the policy around global migration might just need a rewrite due to digital job access. According to a Migration Policy Institute report, immigration laws must act fast to adjust their design to keep pace with remote work opportunities.
As we move forward with diversity, equity, and inclusion, we cannot forget the policymakers and policy changers that allow inclusion in the workplace today. The equality movements we’ve witnessed, such as the Civil Rights Movement or Gender Equality, tie directly into this workforce boost. Management must learn how to foster a diverse team, or they will be left behind.
Now let’s explain what diversity, equity, and inclusion look like on the job, why it is essential, and how you can impact your work environment regardless if you are in management or an employee.
What is Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)?
Diversity means difference and in our context, it refers to the variety and differences in employees at the workplace. Some ways that we differ from one another are:
- race and ethnicity
- sexual orientation
- gender identity
- socioeconomic status
- religion
- language
- age
- marital status
- mental or physical ability
- people with disabilities
- veterans
Diversity can also include ideological differences focusing on people’s values, perspectives, and opinions.
When you hear equity, you might think of equality. These words are similar, but their difference lies in the process. Equality promotes fairness. This idea of putting fairness into one fell swoop can come up short for marginalized people.
Equity jumps in to identify that people are different and that fairness isolates these differences. Equity is a process that creates justice in a societal system that promotes equality. This concept will remove barriers that have kept certain groups from participating on an equal platform.
When a diverse and equitable workplace values, supports, and respects its staff, this is inclusion—focusing not only on across-the-board objectives but recognizing, appreciating, and effectively utilizing talents, skills, and perspectives.
By treating each employee as an individual and allowing them the right conditions to reach their full potential, your business will offer an inclusive environment that promotes flexibility, collaboration, and fairness. Inclusion takes many forms, but management behavior directly affects employee belonging and connectivity.
Why does it matter at the workplace?
What if I told you that a diverse, inclusive, and equitable business was more successful? Would you believe it? Because when it comes to productivity, workplace morale, growth, and creation, DEI workplaces are soaring to the top. Therefore, DEI initiatives are quickly becoming strategic and tangible benefits to adapting to today’s global world. They are also better for your mental and emotional health. And here’s why:
DEI, regardless of whether it is in upper or lower management, draws in a variety of perspectives that enhance company strategy. Diverse perspectives generate new ideas. When you look at implementation from like-minded individuals’ problem-solving strategies might fall short. It’s easy for businesses to get into the mindset of “it’s always been done this way,” so it never improves.
DEI brings a fresh set of ideas to the table. Lower-level employees feel more comfortable bringing their ideas to the chopping block when upper management is diverse. This comfortability allows global talent to find its footing.
Workplace Morale
We will explore workplace morale and how DEI creates a sense of culture in the workplace. You will do better in your position when valued, respected, and appreciated.
A diverse workplace provides growth by cultivating new markets and responds to adversity by working with new business avenues. When hiring people from different backgrounds, workflow bleeds into different human experiences. Thus, you are reaching more people and expanding into new territories. This is the perfect way to strengthen the roots of your business in a global economy.
Creation falls along the same lines of productivity in the DEI realm. Innovation stems from the same aspects. Whenever you have a diverse workforce, your customer base expands. You begin to offer your clients expertise and talent that will align with their own goals. Thus, you will create a brand that meets are larger area.
How To Implement DEI in your Workplace?
Now you might be ready to implement a diverse, equity, and inclusion into your business but want to cross all your t’s and dot all your I’s. You’ve come to the right place. Let’s dive into the workplace culture devoted to diversity, equity, and inclusion by following the five steps to a DEI environment.
- Conduct Training
Suppose you are new to the DEI realm start by including cultural sensitivity training, team-building exercises, and workshops into your company policy. Shift your company policy even further to have diversity goals and make a commitment to hiring a diverse workforce. This will only gain traction if you continually monitor or track the diversity of your hires.
Your company’s efforts must stress the importance of DEI in the workplace. Create a resource group for diverse employees that will allow them to voice their opinions. You might even consider reaching out to local organizations that spread the message of inclusion and equity.
Education for all employees will allow your company to attract diversity and sustain it.
- Celebrate Differences
It’s crucial to the success of inclusivity that you celebrate and support your employee’s differences. This can vary depending on the type of industry and the type of people you have hired. However, simple gestures like developing a cultural calendar or hosting a company potluck will give others a chance to express themselves in the workplace.
- Attract Diversity
Management behavior is a known factor in creating a DEI workplace. Therefore, it’s essential to actively attract diverse employers. An example would be to include your paperwork in multiple languages to invite diverse members, whether they are employees or living in our countries. The global economy and remote work allow employers to find talent in various settings.
- Don’t Forget Ideologic Differences
Whenever you are in the hiring process, don’t forget the importance of varying beliefs, morals, perspectives, and opinions. To remain agile in a global economy, it’s crucial to have a range of viewpoints.
- Eradicate Problematic Policies
Now that you know how to create and foster a DEI workplace, it’s crucial to combat current business policies that fight these measures. Equity is imperative to the DEI network. You need to adjust your policy if there are barriers to your diverse workforce.
It’s imperative to deeply analyze company culture and invest in areas that need your attention.
- Create a DEI checklist
To make sure that you’re covering all your bases, create a DEI checklist for your employees to follow. You can include tasks for each department as well to make sure the team makes everyone feel included. You can also use a pre-built DEI checklist to get started right away.
Whether you are on the job hunt or the CEO of a company that bolsters itself on positive workplace culture, addressing the evolution of DEI will directly correlate to your overall success. As discussed today, DEI in your career will boost productivity, innovation, growth, and employee morale. Fundamentally actual DEI workplace achievement begins with upper management; however, every team member must be knowledgeable and aware of the true nature of diversity, inclusion, and equity. To be a better employer, employee, and even customer, it’s crucial that we all embrace, support, and highlight our talents as an individual.