When people buy designer bags from online sites or boutiques, they often find knock-offs that appear to be cheaper, while the sellers claim to be genuine. If you want to avoid scams or misunderstandings of any kind, here’s a helpful guide that will help you distinguish the best designer handbags from knockoffs. Read on to learn more about these easy-to-spot differences.
1. The material of imitation handbags is rough
When shopping for the best designer handbags, the first thing to check is the fabric used to make the bag. Since genuine designer bags are very expensive, all the money goes into the quality of the fabrics used to dress the bag inside and out. So, if you want to distinguish a designer handbag from a knockoff, keep checking the quality of the fabric, as knockoffs are usually made of cheap, non-durable fabric that will fade and tear with regular use. Just touch it with your hands to see if the fabric is soft, smooth, and thick, and you can identify the quality of the fabric and prove that it is genuine. Or, if the material feels thin, crusty, and flimsy to you, then you’ll know if it’s a knockoff handbag or a designer knockoff handbag. You can also check to see if the leather feels like plastic, or if the dye on the fabric is faded and spotted, then it could be a fake.
2. Unusual prices
You must be wondering, “Why are designer bags so expensive?” Well, all the high-quality fabrics, hand-stitched finishes, and durable fixtures cost a fortune. So if you see a so-called “designer bag” or imitation bag of a designer handbag priced at an unusually low price compared to the accrued price of a designer handbag, then you know it’s not a genuine designer handbag made by the company. If a seller offers you a designer handbag at a price that is too low for a designer handbag, reject it immediately as it will be a replica or an inferior knock-off designer handbag. The best designer handbags from genuine brands will charge you what you get for your money and the hard work that goes into them. Even if you see a website selling the best designer handbags for a low price under the guise of a discount or something similar, you know right away that it’s a designer replica and not the original.
3. Authentication card
The best designer handbags have an authentication card or tag in the corner of the bag that says the company the bag belongs to and the date it was made, etc. This specific thing is hard to identify because replicas or fakes will try their best to reproduce and make it look similar to the real thing. But there are some tips that can help you identify genuine and fake identification cards, and determine whether the bag is a replica handbag. The first thing you have to check is the font of the text and compare it to real fonts you can find online. You can also check that the number type at the top of the label is different from the new one. In addition to this, the counterfeit symbol sticker on the upper right corner can also give away the authenticity of the tag and bag. The last thing that can easily help you identify an authentic card is the gold trim around the border, only one is genuine.
On the other hand, some brands such as Hermes and Louis Vuitton do not have identification cards in their designer handbags, so if you find an identification card in a bag from the same brand, it is likely to be a fake. Also, the best designer handbags will have an internal label that says they were made in places like Italy or France, but fakes will say they were made in China, Taiwan or Hong Kong.
4. Dull colors
One of the other points that can help you spot a fake or knockoff designer handbag is the dull color of the bag. When replicating the style and print of a bag, low-quality pieces are often misprinted or dull in color and may resemble the real thing, but look faded and dull overall. Also, with not much money invested, sellers or manufacturers do not use high-quality dyes when making bags, which can cause poor-quality colors to dry, fade, or wash away over time. Imitation bags are less vibrant in color, tarnish quickly, have spots and fade.
5. Defective logo
One of the main things that can help you differentiate a designer handbag from a knockoff is the logo. The most common mistake replica sellers make is the spelling of the brand logo. For example, Prada is usually spelled Prada, which is hard to point out because of the font or design, but you can point it out if you pay attention to it. You can always look for an inner lining with a detailed logo. But replicas often lack this detail, which ultimately helps identify the authenticity of the best designer handbags. Also, even if replica sellers try to make their logos as similar as possible, they still end up using cheap, high-quality materials for their logo plates. They are often poorly printed or plated, with visible blemishes on the edges. You can also check the quality of the plated logo to see if it looks like plastic or any cheap metal, then you know the logo is fake, which ultimately means that the bag is a fake or knockoff designer handbag.
6. Focus on stitching
The best designer handbags are made with high-quality fixtures and fittings as well as stitching, which makes the bags more valuable and more expensive. These fixings are made of high quality metal and straps that add to the durability of your designer handbags. Quality fasteners help the bag maintain its shape and look gorgeous for a long time. In addition, the stitching is very precise, with strong and thick thread holding the bag together. As for replica or fake handbags, the fixtures and fittings are either plated with another metal or are not strong enough causing them to come loose or fall off after a few days. The stitching on the replica is also fragile, as the thread is not strong enough and tends to show after a few uses.
7. Why buy designer handbags
All the details mentioned above seem to support the fact that designer handbags are much better in many different ways than designer imitation handbags or fake imitations. The quality of a durable handbag is a testament to the importance of a good handbag. The best designer handbags are not only durable, but also worth the investment. They last longer and maintain quality As with imitation bags, they tend to lose quality and shine faster, while they keep making you pay more to fix them every time you find something wrong with them.
8. Where can I find the best designer handbags?
You can buy the best designer handbags from AULOVELY. The site offers a wide range of the best designer handbags at extremely affordable prices. They also have a huge selection of used and unworn bags to help you create everyday or formal looks with ease. You can even sell your used designer bags for reasonable cash. You could use that cash to buy another bag from the same site, fair deal, right? Visit the website for more instructions and 24/7 customer service to clear any doubts.
We hope these differences between designer handbags and knockoff handbags have helped you clear up the confusion of “are luxury brands worth it?” Or “Why buy designer handbags when there are cheap imitations?” So shop for the best designer handbags and add a touch of luxury and style to your outfits.