In both new and old smokers, in the domain of cannabis use, there lies an unfortunate experience: getting greened out. What this term refers to is a scope of symptoms that can result from getting a little “too high.” This happens when one may have ingested more THC than their body could comfortably manage.
As opposed to highly desired euphoria and mellow feelings, getting greened out mirrors more of a not very good reaction to having overdone something.
Identifying the Signs of Greening Out
Symptoms of greening out differ from person to person, but there are some classic symptoms. These include nausea, dizziness, profuse sweating, or even paleness (“greening”), generally with an accentuated sense of anxiety and paranoia. Some users feel even worse, and can’t move or are stuck, experience heart palpitations, or vomit.
Factors Contributing to Greening Out
There are a number of predisposing factors that can lead to greening out, but the most common one has to do with the amount of THC consumed. In other cases, an overdose occurs when the user takes high-potency strains or concentrated forms, like oils and edibles.
Individual tolerance is yet another factor in greening out, as greening out is often observed in those taking cannabis infrequently or for the first time. In other instances, especially when a person takes cannabis and mixes them with other substances, such as food, the delay of the onset of the effects is observed, which may lead them to taking more, and eventually green out.
Navigating Through a Green Out
When you or someone around you starts experiencing these symptoms, make a conscious effort to calm yourself (or them) and remember to stay aware since these effects, though miserable, are definitely temporary. In the case of sensitivity overload such as unnecessary agitation, then move yourself (or the sufferer) to a quiet, comfortable place.
Part of the routine is staying hydrated and, if the nausea isn’t too bad, put something light in the stomach. Deep breaths and reassurance are also good counterbalances to feelings of panic during green out. In most cases, what you need is just time. The body requires time to metabolize and work the excess THC out.
Preventative Measures for Greening Out
The adage “start low and go slow” is particularly pertinent when it comes to avoiding greening out. So, if one is to experiment with taking cannabis or trying out a new strain, it really does pay to start with just a little bit, wait for it to ‘react’, so to speak, then you gauge if your body wants more or not.
In addition, consuming cannabis in a secure and fairly familiar environment together with friends often takes away the anxiety that is likely to occur if you have a slight overdose.
A Broader Perspective
While “greening out” can be a more serious reaction, in no way is it this serious for most cannabis consumers. For a lot of people, marijuana offers a solution for a number of health issues, and for some, it is just a way of “chilling out.”
Irrespective of why you consume cannabis, responsible use is the name of the game, just like with drugs, as overdoses of most substances are likely to have adverse effects on the individual.