Borrowing cars is a common practice among people. If they need to travel to nearby cities for personal reasons, to transport equipment, or just to occasionally go out with friends, friends or family may ask to borrow your car. Regrettably, the road can be unpredictable, and this person might collide with your vehicle. While the thought of it makes you cringe, you must be prepared for the worst scenario. What happens if your car is being driven by someone else and they have an accident? Everything is covered in this article.
What Happens if my Car was Driven by Someone Else who Caused an Accident?
Whether a friend or member of your family is operating your vehicle with your love and trust, mistakes can still happen. A driver can cause a car accident by speeding up or failing to pay attention to the road for two seconds. You want to know if the person can be held responsible for the damages if they drive your car.
The insurance of the car’s owner typically pays for all repair costs. Even when someone else was driving the car, this still holds true. However, it will also matter if you give them permission to use the car. In most cases, if the person doesn’t ask your permission to drive first, the insurance won’t cover the damages.
When the damage exceeds the limits imposed by your policy, the policy may also provide some coverage if the other person has their own insurance. Car insurance policies typically only assist in paying for damages to the vehicle. The driver of the vehicle will not be covered. Therefore, the person who was operating your vehicle will be held accountable for the harm. Even when someone else was in the driver’s seat, this was still true.
Who is Responsible if Another Driver Caused the Car Accident?
It might not be lucky for your friend or relative who borrowed your car. They might be a part of a car accident that someone in another vehicle causes. In this case, who is responsible? Well, in the majority of cases, the accident’s original cause is accountable. Even if you permitted someone else to use your car, the driver of the other car who was at fault for the collision will still be held responsible. As a result, the liability insurance of the other driver will be required to provide coverage. It will pay for any property damage to your car. as well as any monetary losses the driver incurred in court.
What Happens if my Friend lets Someone Else Drive my Car?
Say your friend borrowed your vehicle. Then, the friend gave permission for another person to use the car, which led to a collision. What takes place in this circumstance? Your auto insurance policy will still assist in paying for all accident-related costs, including losses and damages. Fortunately, if you only allow the first person, this is still feasible. You give someone permission to give your car to someone else when you let them use it.
Non-Permissive Use vs. Permitted Use
Whether you gave the other person permission to drive your car or not will affect the insurance coverage. Your insurance will help pay for damage the driver causes when you let someone else drive your car. Permissive use is the term used here. If there are any injuries from the accident, your insurance will take over. Your liability insurance will serve as primary insurance to cover any remaining balance if costs exceed the limit set by your liability coverage.
There are some circumstances where someone might be driving your car without your consent. They might take your car or borrow it without your permission. If the driver of the car gets into an accident, they will be entirely responsible for all losses, injuries, and damages, and their insurance will have to cover everything.
Final Reflections
When you lend someone your car, you need to be prepared in case they get into an accident. Your friend might be driving while intoxicated, they might be distracted by the road, or someone else might be to blame for the collision. Best option is to research for an Escondido car accident lawyer if other person have a horrible situation of car accident while driving your car.