When cash flow issues momentarily prevent you from paying priority bills, you may require a payday loan or an instalment loan to help you out.
Managing your regular expenses might be challenging during months when money is tight or an additional unexpected bill occurs. This is why when cash flow concerns arise, it is typical for consumers to seek a short-term loan like a payday loan to bridge the gap between paydays.
Loan Pig can offer you payday loans or bad credit loans UK that are designed to ease your cashflow shortfall so that you can remain comfortable in your finances and meet all those emergency payments more easily. Your poor credit report will not come your way.
The following are a few typical situations when you will need urgent cash when a payday loan can come to your rescue.
Paying urgent utility bill
Typically, household utility bills include:
- Gas bill
- Electricity bill
- Water bill
- Internet or broadband subscription
If you don’t pay your water bills, you won’t lose access to water, but you could fall into substantial arrears, and water companies have a variety of enforcement tools at their disposal to recoup their costs.
If you don’t pay your electricity bills, you might not be able to watch TV, charge your phone, or even turn on the lights in the evening. And if you don’t pay your gas bills, you might not be able to heat your house or prepare food.
Paying house rent
It goes without saying that losing your home is a terrifying thought. We frequently take having a roof over our heads for granted, but when financial setbacks leave you unable to pay your rent, it may become a significant and a real concern.
Although some landlords can threaten eviction after less time, if you fall more than two months behind on your rent, a landlord may also take you to court to have you evicted from the property.
When money is tight, moving into a new rental and paying a deposit at the beginning of your tenancy can be particularly difficult.
With your actual house rent to pay on top of your deposit, which can be the equivalent of 1 or 2 months’ worth of rent, the payment for the first month may be too much to handle all at once.
An instalment loan could be able to assist you by spreading out the costs over a number of months, making the repayments more manageable and often less. This entails that you can make a complete payment to your landlord up front and pay off the loan when your pay check arrives.
Paying council tax bill
If you don’t pay your council taxes, your council has legal recourse available to it. If bailiffs are sent to confiscate your assets as payment for the debt, this could result in further bailiff fees in addition to the amount you already owe, in legal fees.
Councils may even require payments by withholding money from your pay checks before it reaches your bank account, however you would never be left without enough money to pay for your daily needs if this were to occur.