Laravel is a free, open-source web framework for PHP that has grown in popularity over the years. The framework was first released in 2011 and was initially aimed at small to medium size projects. It’s been a favourite for developers ever since.
Why Laravel Is The Best Choice
Laravel has been gaining popularity as the best choice for web development since its initial release in 2011. The reason for its popularity is because of its elegant syntax that makes coding in Laravel easier and faster compared to other frameworks. Please don’t waste any more of your precious business time and start hiring high-quality Laravel developers immediately in order to achieve your desired goal
Another reason why Laravel is the best choice is because of its built-in features that enable developers to create high-quality websites and web applications. Some of these features include:
– A modular packaging system with a dedicated dependency manager
– ORM (object-relational mapping) support
– Blade templating engine
– Query builder and database migrations
– Restful controllers
– Eloquent ORM
All these features make Laravel an ideal choice for web development in 2022 and beyond.
How To Setup Laravel
Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web framework created by Taylor Otwell and intended for the development of web applications following the model–view–controller (MVC) architectural pattern.
If you’re just getting started with Laravel, then setting it up is easy! In this article, we’ll show you how to get Laravel up and running on your server.
First, you need to make sure you have the following dependencies installed on your system:
– PHP >= 7.1.3
– OpenSSL PHP Extension
– PDO PHP Extension
– Mbstring PHP Extension
– Tokenizer PHP Extension
– XML PHP Extension
Next, download the Laravel installer using Composer:
composer global require “laravel/installer”
Once the installer has been downloaded, add the ~/.composer/vendor/bin directory to your PATH so that the laravel command can be run from any directory:
export PATH=”$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH”
With Laravel installed, you can now use the laravel new command to create a new Laravel application:
laravel new myapp
This will create a new directory called myapp containing a fresh installation of Laravel. Once the installation is complete, you can serve your application locally by running php artisan serve within your project’s root directory:
cd myapp
The Complete Guide
Laravel has been gaining popularity among web developers for some time now. And it is no wonder why. Laravel is a PHP framework that is packed with features that make web development easier and more fun.
In this guide, we will take a look at what makes Laravel the best choice for web development in 2020 and beyond.
Laravel is a PHP framework that enables developers to create expressive, elegant applications quickly and easily. Laravel takes the pain out of development by simplifying common tasks, such as routing, authentication, caching, and sessions.
Laravel also provides a robust toolkit for testing your applications. With Laravel, you can easily create unit tests for your models and controllers to ensure that your application is working as expected.
According to Usman from Travelskoolz “Another reason why Laravel is the best choice for web development is its vast ecosystem. Laravel has an active community of developers who contribute helpful packages and resources. And when you need help with something, chances are there is already a package or resource available to help you out.”
So if you are looking for a PHP framework that will make your life easier and allow you to create beautiful applications quickly and easily, then Laravel is the best choice for you.
What Are Some Use Cases Of Laravel
There are a number of use cases for Laravel beyond the traditional web application. Some popular use cases include:
-API Development: Laravel’s RESTful controllers make it easy to build an API.
-Queue Workers: Laravel’s queue worker functionality makes it easy to defer lengthy tasks, such as sending emails or processing images, until a later time. This can drastically improve the speed of your web application.
-Scheduled Tasks: Laravel’s built-in scheduler makes it easy to schedule recurring tasks, such as sending out a daily digest email or running database backups.
With the ever-growing popularity of Laravel, it is no wonder that this PHP framework is being called the best choice for web development in 2022 and beyond. Not only does it offer an amazing set of features, but it is also constantly being updated with new features and improvements. If you are looking for a reliable and powerful PHP framework to help you build your next website or web application, then Laravel should definitely be at the top of your list.