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6 GPU boards · 8 GPU boards
To make it easier to choose hardware from manufacturers, we have developed a list of cryptocurrency ports for 8 GPU motherboards. The list consists of a combination of manufacturer’s certifications and our mining experience. Manufacturers of GPU boards include ASUS, Gigabyte, and MSI.
8 GPU motherboards for cryptocurrency mining
Note that a PCI-e adapter of one or more M.2s is required to achieve 8 GPU capacity. These adapters are simple and inexpensive to install. You can find more information about M.2 to PCI-e adapters, which include calculating the amount you will need, in the motherboard list.
Read the review on the ASUS Z3xx-A and Z3xx-P motherboards immediately after registration. In short, some mining equipment manufacturers have a limit of 4 GPUs on these boards, while others find no problem.
Regarding the Z370-A, Z370-P, and Z390-A Motherboards
- Z370-P motherboard: Most Z370-P manufacturers have reported a 4 GPU limit on Z370-P boards. Some have achieved this limit by testing different firmware versions, bypassing the limit, and using 8 GPUs.
- Z370-A motherboard: Some Z370-A manufacturers have reported the same 4 GPU limitations as most Z370-P manufacturers. Like the P keys, some Z370-A boot manufacturers will finally get a BIOS firmware version that allows 8 GPUs.
- Z390 family boards: We’ve heard a bit about the challenges associated with Z390-A-boards, but we wanted to focus on the Z3xx series women’s boards, which can come from 390 families.
Other reasons for shortening the 4 GPUs mentioned did not block the SATA SSD port or all SATA ports that restrict the use of the hard drive system.
Some of the above motherboards support 9 GPUs and all of them support less than 8 GPUs. These are the best budget motherboard.
M.2 to PCI-e adapters
Requires at least one PCI M.2 adapter to have 8 or more GPUs. These adapters convert the M.2 SSD socket into an additional PCI-e socket. Installation takes a few minutes. To see how many of these adapters you can buy, consider how many PCI-e storage drives are on your favorite motherboard. Subtract this number from 8. How many adapters will you need?
For example, the ASUS Z370-A motherboard has 7 PCI-e slots. That is, you will need an adapter to access up to 8 GPUs. Also because this motherboard has 2 M.2 gaps. you can buy two and switch to 9 GPUs.
We purchased and used the following M.2 adapters:
- EXPLOMOS M.2 Convert M NGFF to PCI-E (package 2)
- Leboo M.2 Key-M NGFF on PCI-E
An 8 GPU motherboard means ‘up to 8 GPUs’
If you can’t use 8 GPUs at the first build, consider whether the 8 GPU motherboard is correct. Supporting 8 GPUs does not mean that your system should have 8 graphics cards. Each of these motherboards can operate up to 8 GPUs.
Our most common customer group is 6 GPU mining sites. We still have 8 GPU motherboards for these mining tools. The cost gap cannot be ignored and allows for future growth.